Monday, September 10, 2012

Parmesan Crusted Chicken

So my family doesn't exactly live to eat, despite our Italian last name. My boys are more of the "eat to live" types. So to get them to get the proper nutrients and not bore them to death every night at the dinner table, like everyone, I need to try new recipes with them. Recently I made Hellman's Parmesan Crusted chicken and it got rave reviews, even from the husband who has a picky palate.

I buy my chicken breasts in large trays at the grocery store, then wrap them individually to freeze for future use. I grabbed two chicken breasts {I literally almost wrote "two breasts" and would have kept going, avoiding the specific breasts to which I was referring, yikes} split them in half horizontally after rinsing and patting them dry. I mixed one cup low fat mayo with some gorgeous Parmesan cheese {thank you Zio Enzo}, smoothed it atop the chicken breasts and then poured on a thin cost of seasoned bread crumbs. Put the chicken into the pre-heated oven {425F} and within 12 minutes we had a delicious dinner waiting for us.

I paired the main dish with wild rice and steamed broccoli and we were off to the races. Believe it or not, the broccoli took the longest to cook. I simply steam it until it turns bright green, careful not to let it reach that Army green color, as that's a sign that the nutrients have left the building.

The chicken got glorious reviews. Thank you to those who have passed along the recipe. I will be making it again this week and will also have mouthwatering pictures to share.

So now it's your turn. Who's trying a new chicken recipe this week? Want to share a new recipe or have a favy that brings all your family members to the table quickly?


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