About Me

Hi there, thank you so much for stopping by. I hope my words are contributing positively to your day. I wanted to share a bit about myself and my family with you. We are a very active family with a very deep faith. I was first drawn to my husband by his incredible sense of humor and I tell everyone I meet that he makes me laugh and smile each and every day.  We are each other's best friends and we treat our marriage with great respect and care. 

my family

I often feel strange answering the online request of "please tell us about yourself"...well, I'm a mother, a wife, a former career-aholic and newly launched stay-at-home mom. I come from a set of extremely driven parents who came to the USA a "few" years ago to start a new life. They grew up in neighboring countries but met in Michigan while attending graduate school. They agreed that going back to their native countries was not in the picture for either of them, and fast forward a few years and I was born. I have one younger brother who's also very ambitious and who left the Northeast for a sunny patch in Florida and never looked back.

My husband is also a child of immigrants. His parents married in Europe but came to the US to make a better life for their children. Needless to say we were an instant match when we met years back and we both have an appreciation for everything that we work for and earn.

We have two young boys, Sebastian and Luca, who keep me very busy. When I'm not planning meals, running errands or cleaning something, you can find me on the floor playing tractors or trains or dinosaurs or just building block towers, eagerly anticipating their fateful knock-down from our toddler. Our latest craze has been Play-Doh and finger painting. I'm always on the lookout for new, crafty ideas for Luca and into explore together. We also love to be outdoors enjoying the nice weather when we're blessed with it. We live in upstate New York so our winters can be both long and cold. Taking advantage of the warm weather to go see cattle on a farm or pick apples or play in a sensory box I made is very important to us. 

I studied Mechanical Engineering and Business at an academically rigorous university and have worked for large corporations. My love is to always understand how things work, how you can improve them and so on. I guess I have lean and 5S concepts coursing through my veins at all times, which is exemplified in my continuous organizing, improving, cleaning out and purging, and simplifying our lives.

I recently became unemployed but I like to think of it as anything but. I may not get monetary paychecks and don't have to answer to grown men as superiors anymore....but now I rather work for small growing men (S & L) and get paid in hugs, smiles, kisses and I love you's. This is by far the most rewarding job I've ever had and feel happier with myself, my marriage and my family than ever before.

As always, if you have any questions, please do feel free to get in touch. I love love love putting my skills to the test and managing a hectic household as simply as I can...one day at a time :)

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